How to cryptographically sign your RubyGem
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I recently decided to distribute MetricFu as a cryptographically signed gem, using the RubyGems gemspec.
I found it really hard to find documentation, so I’m sharing what I learned.
Signing and building your gem
1) Create self-signed gem cert
cd ~/.ssh
gem cert --build
chmod 600 gem-p*
- use the email address you specify in your gemspecs
2) Configure gemspec with cert
- Add cert public key to your repository
cd /path/to/your/gem
mkdir certs
cp ~/.ssh/gem-public_cert.pem certs/yourhandle.pem
git add certs/yourhandle.pem
I named the cert in metric_fu bf4.pem since that is my github username
- Add cert paths to your gemspec
s.cert_chain = ['certs/yourhandle.pem']
s.signing_key = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/gem-private_key.pem") if $0 =~ /gem\z/
3) Add your own cert to your approved list, just like anyone else
gem cert --add certs/bf4.pem
4) Build gem and test that you can install it
gem build metric_fu.gemspec
gem install metric_fu-4.5.1.gem -P HighSecurity
Example instructions for others to install
MetricFu is cryptographically signed. To be sure the gem you install hasn’t been tampered with:
Add my public key (if you haven’t already) as a trusted certificate gem cert –add <(curl -Ls gem install metric_fu -P HighSecurity This may cause installation to fail if non-signed dependent gems are also being installed.
- Signing rubygems - Pasteable instructions
- Twitter gem gemspec
- Rubygems Trust Model, doc, publishing guide
- Let’s figure out a way to start signing RubyGems
- A Practical Guide to Using Signed Ruby Gems - Part 3: Signing your Own
- Alternative: Rubygems OpenPGP signing, gem
- Also: MetricFu release task that saves a checksum of the built gem, h/t Yorick Peterese
- 2013-11-12 Included in RubyGems guides resources page (PR)
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